November 21, 2015 The House introduces a Companion Bill to the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act of 2015
November 21, 2015It now appears that the House of Representatives has introduced a companion bill to the Senate’s Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act, The House bill is known as the “Sentencing Reform Act of 2015.“ Largely similar to the Senate’s bill this is certainly a step in the right direction for long awaited federal sentencing reform. Both bills must go to a full vote before the House and Senate and then sent to President Obama for signature. However, it is not uncommon to have bills “marked up” or amended while on the floor of Congress so it is still possible to see significant changes. However, until both the House and the Senate schedule a full vote, we are remaining just cautiously optimistic. If you need any additional information please email us or call. Please notet hat contrary to the federal prison rumor mill, neither bill changes the good time to 65% from 85%.